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Q&A with Arapahoe's Trenton Roskop

One of our goals at the RPAC Rundown is to highlight the member schools and its coaches, athletes, activity sponsors, and more. Another fun way to highlight people is to get to know them better. This week the blog is a question-and-answer style with Arapahoe's Trenton Roskop. Some of it's sports-related some of it is just fun stuff.

Q. What was the best thing that you did this summer?

A. The trip I just went on with four other seniors to Colorado and hiked Mount Sherman.

Q. How excited are you for your senior year?

A. I'm super pumped although it is a year of lasts, I am ready to take it head-on and can't wait to see what happens.

Q. Ice cream or cake?

A. Ice cream... Sandwiches to be exact.

Q. Favorite Pregame meal?

A. For football, I can't eat anything before the game because I get sick but for basketball, probably Subway.

Q. Burger or hot dogs?

A. Burger. Hot dogs as my grandma says, "aren't good for you."

Q. Chocolate or vanilla?

A. Vanilla

Q. Beaches or mountains?

A. Beaches. I like the warm not cold.

Q. Favorite sports movie?

A. Remember the Titans

Q. Most valuable lesson you have learned through sports?

A. No matter if you're a freshman or a senior, everyone is watching and you're a role model to everyone.

Q. Favorite memory from competing in sports and why?

A. Winning the second round of playoffs versus Ravenna. It was just a straight dog fight and it's nice when you come out on top.

Q. Pregame ritual or superstition?

A. Can't eat before a football game and I put on my right sock then my left sock followed by my right shoe then my left shoe.

Q. Sports hero?

A. I don't necessarily have a sports hero, but I have a role model who I have tried to be like all through high school and that's Carson Schroeder. He showed me as a young kid that through hard work and leadership that you can do a lot of special things.

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